Hello world!
March 21, 2010

Well, I have done it… signed up for a blog.  Let me tell you a bit about how this happened.

I had a dream, in which I was listening to a elderly spanish speaking man.  He was making me promise something.  He was insistent that I promise  and even though I do not speak Spanish, as I awoke, I heard myself saying ” yes, I promise, and repeated the words he repeated. 

One of those words was “soliquay” which is, as it turns out, similar to soliloquy.  Thoughts, musings, monologue, strung together to be shared with others.

The old man in my dream also used some other words, and insisted that I remember them and act upon his messages.

He talked about balance, making things right, making things more even.  Certain words were repeated often and when I looked them up on the internet, I was in awe.

I am a psychic, therapist and jewelry retailer.  I have always considered my belief system and/ore religion to be a blend of Native, New Age and Christian with touches of Buddhism and Hindu beliefs.  So, having said that, you probably haveguessed by now know I am used to the weird and wonderful.

I could not believe that this elderly man in my dream was giving me a soul reading, in Spanish no less!  I take this also as a sign that we, as humans, are becoming more globally connected on a spiritual level than ever before.

I felt close to this gentle man and listened intently, almost as though we were related.  And of course, we are…

So much is happening worldwide that is helping us to remember what we have always known but forgotten- we are all connected.  What hurts one hurts all and what happens to people in one corner of the world affects us all.

You know how some of our spouses seem to have “selective hearing”?  Well, I there are many, many people who seem to have “selective seeing and feeling”.   I was  once one of those people, although I have been sensitive to the plight of all mankind since childhood.

When I saw starving children on TV, I would sigh, cringe and turn the channel, always thinking ‘Im just one person, what could I possibly do?

When  I started my jewelry retail business, I did to not only satisfy my love of jewelry but to help others by donating a portion of sales from home parties and trade shows to either my charities of choice or to support the charity, church, association, team or whatever of the hostess.

I still don’t know if I will make any significant difference, but I know that I will be trying.

I have used the Law of Attraction for years and it has always worked, even when I “intensioned” something, then forgot about it!

I feel strongly that as the world heaves and shifts and natural disasters bring our attention back to one another, we will begin to find small ways to make the healing and renewing world a better place, one tiny act at a time.  I also believe that we are oh so much more alike than we are different. 

Right now, I am heading back to Canada after a 6 week trip, first buying jewelry to resell for the little project that is near and dear to my heart and then, relaxing, meditating and counting my blessings on the beach at Puerto Penasco, Mexico.  ( in case anyone is wondering, the old man in my dream appeared about two months before my trip and my husband and I decided on a whim to go to Mexico!

My husband and I sat together, watching the waves and noticed some beer bottles that had been left on the beach by some other folks. 

We walked over to the spot on the sand, picked up the bottles and took them over to the dumpster on the other side of the beach.  A few other campers watched us with odd looks ( apparently there is no money in glass bottles in Mexico as even a can picker passed them by).

One little  act.  It certainly wasn’t much.  And many others have done similar.  Each small act of good, kindness to our fellow man, acknowledgement of the blessings we have been given, seems indeed very small.  Just like the grains of sand on that beach, we are tiny but  TOGETHER, we are a positive force to be reckoned with.

I am always so sorry to hear about yet another natural disaster.  But I am always and more so lately, elated to see the human spirit at its best, as people rush to help one another.  It is always at these times, that I am in awe and feel that we are glimpsing the not only thw worst, by way of disasters, but the best of what the Creator created-

What a beautiful world!  As Walt Whitman said ” As much of heaven is visible as we have eyes to see.”

 Must go to sleep now.  Maybe I will have another message in another language!  I do hope so.

Nighty night